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Apakah Anda ingin Sehat dengan OBAT HERBAL ?

Tepat pilihan Anda, NOSTEO dan NOKILIR adalah Obat Herbal Yang Pasti Anda Cari.

Tingkatkan kesehatan tulang dan sendi Anda dengan produk jamu herbal berkualitas dari distributor agen terpercaya kami. Pesan sekarang untuk manfaat maksimal! Temukan solusi alami untuk perawatan tulang dan sendi Anda.

Lindungi tubuh Anda dengan perawatan yang tepat.

Klik pesan sekarang untuk hidup lebih sehat!

Rp 60.000

Dilihat : 285 kali

Dapatkan jamu herbal untuk kesehatan tulang dan sendi dari agen terpercaya di Semarang, NOKILIR & NOSTEO. Solusi alami untuk kesehatan tulang dan sendi.


NOSTEO dan NOKILIR solusi Alami untuk Kesehatan Tulang dan Sendi Anda

Dapatkan solusi alami untuk kesehatan tulang dan sendi Anda dengan NOSTEO dan NOKILIR dengan Manfaat yang saling mendukung, Obat Bahan Alam (OBA) yang telah mendapatkan pengakuan resmi dari Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (Badan POM). Dirancang khusus untuk membantu menyembuhkan berbagai masalah seperti Osteoporosis, Asam Urat, Nyeri Sendi, Pegal Linu, Rematik, Kaku Otot, Saraf Kejepit, serta meningkatkan imunitas tubuh.

Kualitas setiap kapsul NOSTEO dijamin sesuai dengan standar Cara Pembuatan Obat Tradisional yang Baik (CPOTB) yang ditetapkan oleh Badan POM. Dengan Nomor Ijin Edar (NIE), Sertifikat Halal, dan Legalitas Paten Merek dari Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Republik Indonesia, Anda dapat yakin akan keamanan dan kualitas produk kami.

Kualitas setiapBotol NOKILIR dijamin sesuai dengan standar Cara Pembuatan Obat Tradisional yang Baik (CPOTB) yang ditetapkan oleh Badan POM. Dengan Nomor Ijin Edar (NIE), Sertifikat Halal, dan Legalitas Paten Merek dari Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Republik Indonesia, Anda dapat yakin akan keamanan dan kualitas produk kami.

NOSTEO  dan NOKILIR telah mendapatkan rekomendasi dari Profesor Dokter Ahli Ortopedi Indonesia sejak Desember 2021, menegaskan kehandalan produk ini dalam membantu permasalahan kesehatan tulang dan sendi. Tak hanya itu, NOSTEO juga dipercaya oleh praktisi Sinshe Indonesia sebagai pilihan untuk membantu meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat secara holistik.

Dengan Produk ini, Anda dapat kembali menikmati aktivitas sehari-hari tanpa terganggu oleh rasa nyeri dan keterbatasan gerak. Dapatkan kembali kualitas hidup Anda dengan solusi alami yang terpercaya, dapatkan Produk ini sekarang dan rasakan perubahan untuk kesehatan tulang dan sendi Anda.:

Preview Nosteo dan Nokilir:
Diresepkan Profesor Ahli Ortopedi di Rumah Sakit Bedah Karima Utama, Solo,Jawa Tengah (Sejak Launching Desember2021)
  • Diproduksi disarana  produksi CPOTB;
  • Diformulasikan oleh Ahli Farmasi Indonesia;
  • Memiliki NIE Badan POM
  • Paten Merek Kementerian Hukum dan HAM
  • Telah Mendarat di 8 Negara.
Nama Produk Manfaat dan Bahan-Bahan Produk

Manfaat NOSTEO:
Menyehatkan Tulang Otot dan Sendi termasuk:

  • Osteoporosis;
  • Asam Urat;
  • Nyeri Sendi;
  • Pegal Linu;
  • Reumatik;
  • Kaku Otot;
  • Menjaga IImunitas;
  • Menjaga Kebugara;
  • Dan Sejenisnya.


Kandungan NOSTEO:

5 Sinergi Bahan Alami :

  • Ekstak Gammat;
  • Ekstark Kurma;
  • Ekstrak Sidaguri;
  • Ekstrak Mengkudu;
  • Ekstrak Sambiloto.


 Rp. 90.000,- / Botol 

Isi : 30 Kapsul

Aturan Pemakaian:
1. Diminum 3 x sehari 2 kapsul, 1 jam setelah makan
2. Untuk pencegahan: 1 x sehari 2 kapsul, 1 jam setelah makan

NOSTEO Produk Obat Bahan Alam yang Berkualitas:
- Nomor Ijin Edar (NIE) Badan POM: POM TR 213 363 561
- Sertifikat Halal Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI): BPJPH No. ID00210000036991219



Manfaat NOKILIR :

Membantu menyembuhkan :

  • Syaraf Kejepit;
  • Terkilir;
  • Nyeri Sendi;
  • Nyeri Otot;
  • Pegal Linu;
  • Rematik;
  • Asam Urat;
  • Gatal-fatal;
  • Digigit Serangga;
  • Masuk Angin;
  • Dan Sejenisnya

Kandungan NOKILIR:

Kombinasi dari Bahan:

  • Zibngiber Officinale Rhizome -Jahe;
  • Foeniculum Vulgare Fruktus - Adas Pedas;
  • Alpinia Galanga Rhizome - Lengkuas;
  • Cuminum Cyminum Fruktus - Jinten Hitam;
  • Myristika Fragrans Semen - Pala;
  • Oleum Olea Europeae - Miynak Zaitun;
  • Oleum Cajuputi - Minyak Kayu Putih;
  • Oleum Citronella - Minyak Sereh Wangi;
  • Oleum Caryophyli - Minyak Cengkeh;
  • Oleum Mentha Pyperita - Minyak Mint;
  • Oleum Cocos - Minyak Kelapa.


 Rp. 60.000,- / Botol 

Isi : 30 Kapsul

Aturan Pemakaian:
Borehkan pada area tubuh yang sakit, dan gosokan hingga terasa nyaman dan hangat

Produk Herbal Berkualitas:
- Nomor Ijin Edar (NIE) Badan POM: POM TR 213 674 571
- Sertifikat Halal Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI): BPJPH No. ID00210000036991219







Hubungi Kami :

Agen Jamu Herbal Tulang Sendi Semarang Nokilir Nosteo

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Agen Jamu Herbal Tulang Sendi Semarang Nokilir Nosteo

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Understanding Osteoporosis: A Silent Threat to Bone Health

Osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weakened bones, has become a significant health concern globally, particularly in aging populations. Often referred to as a "silent disease," osteoporosis develops gradually, often without noticeable symptoms until a fracture occurs. This article aims to shed light on osteoporosis, its causes, risk factors, and preventive measures.

What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis, derived from the Greek words "osteo" meaning bone and "porosis" meaning porous, is a systemic skeletal disorder characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue, leading to increased bone fragility and susceptibility to fractures. Bones affected by osteoporosis become porous and brittle, making them more prone to fractures, even from minor falls or bumps.

Causes and Risk Factors

Several factors contribute to the development of osteoporosis:

  1. Age: As people age, bone density naturally decreases, increasing the risk of osteoporosis, especially in postmenopausal women.

  2. Gender: Women are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis compared to men, primarily due to hormonal changes during menopause, which accelerates bone loss.

  3. Hormonal Changes: Reduced estrogen levels in women and testosterone levels in men can accelerate bone loss.

  4. Nutritional Deficiencies: Inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, essential nutrients for bone health, can contribute to osteoporosis.

  5. Lifestyle Factors: Lack of physical activity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and a sedentary lifestyle can weaken bones and increase the risk of osteoporosis.

  6. Medical Conditions and Medications: Certain medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, hyperthyroidism, and prolonged use of corticosteroids can increase the risk of osteoporosis.

Prevention and Management

Preventing osteoporosis involves adopting a healthy lifestyle and taking proactive measures to maintain bone health:

  1. A Balanced Diet: Consuming a diet rich in calcium, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients is crucial for maintaining bone density. Dairy products, leafy greens, nuts, and fortified foods are excellent sources of calcium and vitamin D.

  2. Regular Exercise: Weight-bearing exercises such as walking, jogging, dancing, and strength training help stimulate bone formation and improve bone density.

  3. Lifestyle Modifications: Avoiding smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, and maintaining a healthy body weight can reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

  4. Bone Density Testing: Periodic bone density scans, particularly for postmenopausal women and individuals with risk factors, can help detect osteoporosis early and guide treatment decisions.

  5. Medication: In cases where lifestyle changes are insufficient, healthcare providers may prescribe medications to slow down bone loss and reduce fracture risk.


Osteoporosis poses a significant threat to bone health and overall well-being, particularly in aging populations. While it often goes unnoticed until a fracture occurs, adopting preventive measures early can help maintain bone health and reduce the risk of complications. By promoting awareness, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and seeking appropriate medical care, individuals can take proactive steps to protect their bones and live healthier, more active lives.


Advancements in Osteoporosis Treatment: Hope on the Horizon

Osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weakened bones, has long been a significant health concern, particularly among aging populations. However, recent advancements in medical research and technology offer promising avenues for the prevention and management of this debilitating disease. This article explores some of the latest developments in osteoporosis treatment and their potential implications for patients.

1. Novel Pharmacological Therapies

In recent years, researchers have made significant strides in developing new pharmacological treatments for osteoporosis. These include:

  • Bone-Forming Agents: Teriparatide and abaloparatide are synthetic forms of parathyroid hormone that stimulate bone formation, offering an alternative approach to traditional anti-resorptive medications.

  • Sclerostin Inhibitors: Romosozumab, a monoclonal antibody that inhibits sclerostin, a protein that suppresses bone formation, has shown promising results in clinical trials by increasing bone density and reducing fracture risk.

  • Cathepsin K Inhibitors: Odanacatib, a selective inhibitor of cathepsin K, an enzyme involved in bone resorption, has demonstrated efficacy in reducing fracture risk without the adverse gastrointestinal effects associated with bisphosphonates.

2. Precision Medicine Approaches

Advancements in genetics and personalized medicine are revolutionizing the approach to osteoporosis treatment. Genetic screening and biomarker analysis enable healthcare providers to identify individuals at higher risk of osteoporosis and tailor treatment strategies based on their genetic profile and disease characteristics. This personalized approach holds the promise of optimizing treatment efficacy and minimizing adverse effects.

3. Nutritional Interventions

Emerging research suggests that nutritional interventions may play a crucial role in the prevention and management of osteoporosis. Nutrients such as vitamin K, magnesium, and polyphenols have been shown to promote bone health by enhancing bone formation, reducing inflammation, and improving bone mineral density. Additionally, dietary supplements containing collagen peptides, calcium, and vitamin D may offer benefits in preserving bone mass and reducing fracture risk, particularly in individuals with inadequate nutrient intake.

4. Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring

The integration of telemedicine and remote monitoring technologies provides new opportunities for delivering osteoporosis care, especially in underserved areas or during times of limited access to healthcare facilities. Remote consultations, virtual bone density screenings, and wearable devices for monitoring physical activity and falls can facilitate early detection of osteoporosis, enhance patient education, and improve adherence to treatment regimens.


The landscape of osteoporosis treatment is evolving rapidly, driven by advancements in pharmacology, genetics, nutrition, and digital health technologies. These innovations offer new hope for patients by providing more effective, personalized, and accessible care options. However, translating these advancements into widespread clinical practice requires continued investment in research, healthcare infrastructure, and patient education. By harnessing the power of science and technology, we can strive towards a future where osteoporosis is effectively prevented, managed, and ultimately, overcome.


 Empowering Patients: Lifestyle Strategies for Managing Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis, characterized by weakened bones and increased susceptibility to fractures, significantly impacts the quality of life for millions of individuals worldwide. While pharmacological interventions play a crucial role in managing osteoporosis, lifestyle modifications can complement medical treatment and help patients maintain bone health. This article explores various lifestyle strategies that individuals with osteoporosis can adopt to enhance their well-being and reduce the risk of fractures.

1. Nutrition and Diet

A balanced diet rich in nutrients essential for bone health is fundamental for individuals with osteoporosis:

  • Calcium-Rich Foods: Dairy products, leafy greens, tofu, almonds, and sardines are excellent sources of calcium, which is vital for maintaining bone density.
  • Vitamin D: Sunlight exposure and dietary sources such as fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified foods help ensure adequate vitamin D levels, essential for calcium absorption and bone health.
  • Protein: Lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, and legumes provide protein necessary for bone structure and muscle strength.
  • Limit Sodium and Caffeine: Excessive consumption of sodium and caffeine can interfere with calcium absorption and contribute to bone loss, so it's important to moderate intake.

2. Regular Exercise

Weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercises play a crucial role in maintaining bone density and muscle strength:

  • Weight-Bearing Activities: Walking, hiking, dancing, stair climbing, and jogging stimulate bone formation and help maintain bone density.
  • Strength Training: Resistance exercises using weights, resistance bands, or body weight improve muscle strength and reduce the risk of falls and fractures.
  • Balance and Posture Exercises: Tai chi, yoga, and balance exercises enhance stability, coordination, and posture, reducing the risk of falls.

3. Fall Prevention

Preventing falls is essential for individuals with osteoporosis to minimize the risk of fractures:

  • Home Safety Measures: Remove tripping hazards, install grab bars in bathrooms, improve lighting, and use non-slip mats to create a safe living environment.
  • Footwear: Wear supportive, low-heeled shoes with non-slip soles to provide stability and reduce the risk of falls.
  • Vision and Hearing Checks: Regular vision and hearing exams help identify sensory impairments that may contribute to falls.

4. Smoking Cessation and Alcohol Moderation

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can weaken bones and increase fracture risk:

  • Quit Smoking: Smoking accelerates bone loss and impairs healing, so quitting smoking is crucial for preserving bone health.
  • Limit Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with calcium absorption and increase the risk of falls, so it's important to moderate alcohol intake.

5. Medication Adherence and Monitoring

For individuals prescribed medication for osteoporosis, adherence to treatment regimens and regular monitoring are essential for optimal outcomes. Follow-up appointments with healthcare providers, bone density testing, and medication reviews help ensure effective management of osteoporosis and prevent complications.


While osteoporosis poses significant challenges, adopting lifestyle strategies tailored to individual needs can empower patients to take an active role in managing their condition and reducing the risk of fractures. By prioritizing nutrition, exercise, fall prevention, and overall well-being, individuals with osteoporosis can enhance their quality of life and maintain independence as they age. Collaboration with healthcare providers, ongoing education, and support from family and community resources are invaluable in navigating the journey of living well with osteoporosis.


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